Meet the Coach

Welcome to PW Performance Coaching!

The early years:

From a young age I have always been interested in running. My father Michael was a keen runner in his late 20s and while hearing about his success through hard work and dedication this really paved the way for my own running. 
At 17 years old and after years of football I decided to give running a try and dedicate more of my time to finding out how fast I could run. 
How far do I run? How hard should I run? These are the simple questions that I asked myself during these early years. I decided to search through all my Dad's running diaries to find out what he did and how he trained. After all, he had PB's of 15:20 for 5k, 31:30 for 10k and 1:09 for the half marathon. 
The journey began. 
Mileage was a key aspect to training in the late 80s and early 90s so while reading my Dad's running diaries I knew this would have to be a key factor in my training going forward. I started to increase my training volume year on year.


40 miles per week
50 miles per week
60 miles per week
70 miles per week..

I started to increase the quality of my training. This is where research came into my life. I started to read through all my Dad's running books. (Between us we now have over 100 running books!) I incorporated threshold runs, hill sessions, long runs, V02 max work, I started to become fascinated with the science of training. I improved. I did this while working in my parents running store. 
By the time I was 22 I was running sub 15 mins for 5000m, sub 30 mins for 10k and sub 1:08 for the half marathon. 

I was selected for England over XC and the road and had a great time racing in Europe over a variety of distances. 

2020 > The present day


After continuing my training and research I started to get local athletes ask me for help with their own training. As each athlete improved, more athletes got in contact. This is when I knew I could have a business in running coaching. 

I started PW Performance Coaching in April 2020 and since then I have coached 100s of athletes from first time beginner runners, to advanced marathoners and everyone in between. It's been a passion of mine to help anyone that wants to improve no matter where their starting point is. I am now qualified under multiple different coaching methods and enjoying bringing over 12 years of running research into my coaching. 

For myself, I am still striving to improve all my personal bests which now currently stand as follows:

1500m - 3:52
3000m - 8:16
5000m - 14:10
10k - 29:40
Half - 1:05
Marathon - 2:24

I wish you all the best with your training!
Coach PW